Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Today's Thoughts

Since I have 2 friends who told me I need to update my blog, this is for you Stacey and Jon. Today I woke up around 7:45am. It was really hard to get out of bed because I had just worked out last night and my body was sore. I did manage to get out of bed, however, and then I took a short shower.

On my way to work today, I went to Deb's house to discuss some website layouts for the church website. I think it was a very productive time.

I drove to the office, got a ton of work done before Bucky got in, and even had some time to sit and chat with Robby.

Once Bucky got into the office, I had to ask him some last minute questions before I could send out some final emails on communication pieces for the church (website and water bottle labels), but I finished it all just in time.

I couldn't be late to picking Kirby up today because we had plans to get Baskin Robins after school in honor of her 10th birthday! I watched this tiny little girl devour 2 scoops of coffee ice cream. I was very impressed.

Now I'm at the Black's house. Kirby is doing homework, and Avery should be home soon. I have guide group tonight, maybe going to the gym again (?), but really need to buckle down and clean my room before Friday.

Thanksgiving is almost here, which will be so much fun because I have a lot of family coming over... and Jonny will finally get to meet Nene and Papa!

That's all for today. At least I think...



Staceysaurus said...

I sure love reading your blogs! Thanks Kimmi!!!

Kelsey said...

good job!